Islamabad:- The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), in collaboration with UN Women, has officially released the National Report on the Status of Women 2023. This important initiative is part of the US Embassy. International narcotics interdiction and law enforcement (INL) program.
The event started with a warm welcome from NCSW Chairman Nilofar Baghtiar. He said that the National Report on the Status of Women (NRSW) is a testament to the countless efforts of countless individuals and organizations dedicated to improving the status of women in Pakistan. He said: “The report provides an in-depth analysis of the current situation of women in Pakistan and provides policy makers, civil society organizations and other stakeholders with practical recommendations to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar, Minister of Human Rights. Rights , Law and Justice, NRSW Appreciating the efforts of the UN National Commission on the Status of Women and Women, Mr. Tarar said, “The government will use the comprehensive report to plan the future of Pakistani women alongside men. them to evolve and reach new heights.”
INL Director Lori Antolinez said in her address: “Women’s empowerment is not only about equality; it is an important element to accelerate the growth and development of society. The launch of this report is an important step in the right direction.”
The opening ceremony was attended by senior government officials, civil society members and representatives of the US Embassy.
NRSW provides an analytical and statistical profile of women in Pakistan based on data from qualitative and quantitative surveys as well as national and sub-national sources compiled on the National Gender Data Portal (NGDP). It was also developed by NCSW and UN Women for the Tahaffuz Project. Based at NCSW, this first portal integrates gender data nationally using digital tools that triangulate data from multiple sources.
Based on this information, NRSW identifies environmental factors that influence and affect the status of women, their lives, including factors that can improve well-being and empowerment. The findings of the report will support the adoption of evidence-based policies, help promote and implement laws, strategies and budgets that can improve and accelerate the socio-economic and political empowerment of women and prevent and respond to violence against women.